De Novo Assembly of the Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) Producer Azohydromonas lata Strain H1 Genome and Genomic Analysis of PHB Production Machinery DOI PubMed Daniele Traversa, Carlo Pazzani, Pietro D’Addabbo, Lucia Trisolini, Matteo Chiara, Marta Oliva, Angelo Marzella, Camilla Mandorino, Carla Calia, Guglielmina Chimienti, Caterina Manzari, Graziano Pesole, Maria Scrascia
mapPat: tracking pathogens evolution in space and time DOI PubMed Erika Ferrandi, Graziano Pesole, Matteo Chiara
Bioinformatics Advances
A high affinity switch for cAMP in the HCN pacemaker channels DOI PubMed A. Porro, A. Saponaro, R. Castelli, B. Introini, A.H. Alkotob, G. Ranjbari, U. Enke, J. Kusch, K. Benndorf, B. Santoro, D. Difrancesco, G. Thiel, A. Moroni
Nature Communications
Mitochondria-derived reactive oxygen species are the likely primary trigger of mitochondrial retrograde signaling in Arabidopsis DOI PubMed Kasim Khan, Huy Cuong Tran, Berivan Mansuroglu, Pinar Önsell, Stefano Buratti, Markus Schwarzländer, Alex Costa, Allan G Rasmusson, Olivier Van Aken
Current Biology
ALS' Perfect Storm: C9orf72-Associated Toxic Dipeptide Repeats as Potential Multipotent Disruptors of Protein Homeostasis DOI PubMed P.H.Smeele, G. Cesare, T. Vaccari
The ALOG domain defines a family of plant-specific transcription factors acting during Arabidopsis flower development DOI PubMed Philippe Rieu, Veronica Maria Beretta, Francesca Caselli, Emmanuel Thévénon, Jérémy Lucas, Mahmoud Rizk, Emanuela Franchini, Elisabetta Caporali, Chiara Paleni, Max H. Nanao, Martin M. Kater, Renaud Dumas, Chloe Zubieta, François Parcy, Veronica Gregis
Calcium-Driven In Silico Inactivation of a Human Olfactory Receptor DOI PubMed Pirona L., Ballabio F., Alfonso-Prieto M., Capelli R.
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Development of pollinated and unpollinated ovules in Ginkgo biloba: unravelling pollen's role in ovule tissue maturation DOI PubMed Antonella Muto, Emanuela Talarico, Greta D'Apice, Maurizio Di Marzo, Silvia Moschin, Sebastiano Nigris, Nicola Babolin, Eleonora Greco, Fabrizio Araniti, Adriana Chiappetta, Lucia Colombo, Barbara Baldan, Leonardo Bruno
Journal of Experimental Botany
Serum antibody fingerprinting of SARS-CoV-2 variants in infected and vaccinated subjects by label-free microarray biosensor DOI PubMed Thomas Carzaniga, Luca Casiraghi, Giovanni Nava, Giuliano Zanchetta, Tommaso Inzani, Marcella Chiari, Valentina Bollati, Sara Epis, Claudio Bandi, Alessia Lai, Gianguglielmo Zehender, Tommaso Bellini, Marco Buscaglia
Frontiers in Immunology
Site-directed mutagenesis reveals the interplay between stability, structure and enzymatic activity in RidA from Capra hircus DOI PubMed Giulia Rizzi, Stefania Digiovanni, Genny Degani, Alberto Barbiroli, Flavio Di Pisa, Laura Popolo, Cristina Visentin, Maria Antonietta Vanoni, Stefano Ricagno
Protein Science
Structural determinants of ivabradine block of the open pore of HCN4 DOI PubMed A. Saponaro, J. H Krumbach, A. Chaves-Sanjuan, A. Sadat Sharifzadeh, A. Porro, R. Castelli, K. Hamacher, M. Bolognesi, D. DiFrancesco, O. B Clarke, G. Thiel, A. Moroni
AIEC-dependent pathogenic Th17 cell transdifferentiation in Crohn's disease is suppressed by rfaP and ybaT deletion DOI PubMed G Leccese, M Chiara, I Dusetti, D Noviello, E Billard, A Bibi, G Conte, C Consolandi, M Vecchi, M P Conte, N Barnich, F Caprioli, F Facciotti, M Paroni
Gut Microbes
Comparing GBA1‐Parkinson's disease and idiopathic Parkinson's disease: α‐Synuclein oligomers and synaptic density as biomarkers in the skin biopsy DOI PubMed Samanta Mazzetti, Elena Contaldi, Milo Jarno Basellini, Claudia Novello, Alessandra Maria Calogero, Letizia Straniero, Federica Garrì, Valentina Ferri, Daniela Calandrella, Francesca Del Sorbo, Rosanna Asselta, Emanuele Cereda, Graziella Cappelletti, Ioannis Ugo Isaias, Gianni Pezzoli
Brain Pathology
Noninvasive In Planta Live Measurements of H2O2 and Glutathione Redox Potential with Fluorescent roGFPs-Based Sensors DOI PubMed Stefano Buratti, Matteo Grenzi, Giorgia Tortora, Sara Paola Nastasi, Elisa Dell'Aglio, Andrea Bassi, Alex Costa
Methods in Molecular Biology
Nicotinic Acid Derivatives As Novel Noncompetitive α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase Inhibitors for Type 2 Diabetes Treatment DOI PubMed Citarella A., Cavinato M., Rosini E., Shehi H., Ballabio F., Camilloni C., Fasano V., Silvani A., Passarella D., Pollegioni L., Nardini M.
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
Reproductive development in Trithuria submersa (Hydatellaceae: Nymphaeales): the involvement of AGAMOUS‑like genes DOI PubMed Silvia Moschin, Sebastiano Nigris, Elisabetta Ofer, Nicola Babolin, Adriana Chiappetta, Leonardo Bruno, Barbara Baldan
Planta - Springer
A missense mutation in the barley Xan-h gene encoding the Mg-chelatase subunit I leads to a viable pale green line with reduced daily transpiration rate DOI PubMed Persello A., Tadini L., Rotasperti L., Ballabio F., Tagliani A., Torricella V., Jahns P., Dalal A., Moshelion M., Camilloni C., Rosignoli S., Hansson M., Cattivelli L., Horner D.S., Rossini L., Tondelli A., Salvi S., Pesaresi P.
Plant Cell Reports
Nicotinic Acid Derivatives As Novel Non-competitive α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase Inhibitors for Type 2 Diabetes Treatment DOI PubMed Andrea Citarella, Miriam Cavinato, Elena Rosini, Haidi Shehi, Federico Ballabio, Carlo Camilloni, Valerio Fasano, Alessandra Silvani, Daniele Passarella, Loredano Pollegioni, Marco Nardini
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
AA amyloidosis in vertebrates: epidemiology, pathology and molecular aspects DOI PubMed Valentina Moccia, Claudia Maria Tucciarone, Silvia Garutti, Melissa Milazzo, Filippo Ferri, Carlo Palizzotto, Maria Mazza, Marco Basset, Eric Zini, Stefano Ricagno, Silvia Ferro
Amyloid, The Journal of Protein Folding Disorders
Helical superstructures between amyloid and collagen in cardiac fibrils from a patient with AL amyloidosis DOI PubMed Tim Schulte, Antonio Chaves-Sanjuan, Valentina Speranzini, Kevin Sicking, Melissa Milazzo, Giulia Mazzini, Paola Rognoni, Serena Caminito, Paolo Milani, Chiara Marabelli, Alessandro Corbelli, Luisa Diomede, Fabio Fiordaliso, Luigi Anastasia, Carlo Pappone, Giampaolo Merlini, Martino Bolognesi, Mario Nuvolone, Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego, Giovanni Palladini, Stefano Ricagno
Nature Communications
Integrating single nuclei and bulk RNA sequencing in rice shoot apical meristems uncovers candidate early floral transition gene networks DOI PubMed Daniele Traversa, Giulio Vicentini, Paolo Korwin Krukowski, Lucio Conti, Matteo Chiara, Vittoria Brambilla
Plant Reprod 38
When repetita no-longer iuvant: somatic instability of the CAG triplet in Huntington’s disease DOI PubMed Elena Cattaneo, Davide Scalzo, Martina Zobel, Raffaele Iennaco, Camilla Maffezzini, Dario Besusso, Simone Maestri
Nucleic Acids Research
Navigating triplet repeats sequencing: concepts, methodological challenges and perspective for Huntington’s disease DOI PubMed Simone Maestri, Davide Scalzo, Gianluca Damaggio, Martina Zobel, Dario Besusso, Elena Cattaneo
Nucleic Acids Research
Apomixis at high resolution: unravelling diplospory in Asteraceae DOI PubMed Cornaro L., Banfi C., Cavalleri A., van Dijk P.J., Radoeva T., Cucinotta M., Colombo L.
Journal of Experimental Botany
MEK-inhibitors decrease Nfix in muscular dystrophy but induce unexpected calcifications, partially rescued with Cyanidin diet DOI PubMed Giuseppe Angelini, Emanuele Capra, Francesca Rossi, Giada Mura, Marielle Saclier, Valentina Taglietti, Gabriele Rovetta, Raffaele Epis, Giorgia Careccia, Chiara Bonfanti, Graziella Messina
Targeting the LPS export pathway for the development of novel therapeutics DOI PubMed Sperandeo P, Martorana AM, Zaccaria M, Polissi A.
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res.
Asexual reproduction through seeds: the complex case of diplosporous apomixis DOI PubMed Letizia Cornaro, Camilla Banfi, Mara Cucinotta, Lucia Colombo, Peter J van Dijk
Journal of Experimental Botany
Two florigens and a florigen-like protein form a triple regulatory module at the shoot apical meristem to promote reproductive transitions in rice DOI PubMed Francesca Giaume, Giulia Ave Bono, Damiano Martignago, Yiling Miao, Giulio Vicentini, Taiyo Toriba, Rui Wang, Dali Kong, Martina Cerise, Daniele Chirivì, Marco Biancucci, Bahman Khahani, Piero Morandini, Wladimir Tameling, Michela Martinotti, Daniela Goretti, George Coupland, Martin Kater, Vittoria Brambilla, Daisuke Miki, Junko Kyozuka & Fabio Fornara
Nature Plants
A missing piece in the control of rice flowering and inflorescence determinacy DOI PubMed Giulia Ave Bono and Fabio Fornara
Nature Plants
Human PNPase causes RNA stabilization and accumulation of R-loops in the Escherichia coli model system DOI PubMed Federica A Falchi, Francesca Forti, Cristina Carnelli, Aurelia Genco, Roberto Pizzoccheri, Caterina Manzari, Giulio Pavesi, Federica Briani
Scientific Reports
Low antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolates from two large Austrian alpine karstic spring catchments DOI PubMed Iris Schachner-Gröhs, Theresa Strohhammer, Christina Frick, Lena Campostrini, Rita B Linke, Gernot Zarfel, Andreas H Farnleitner, Alexander K T Kirschner
Science of The Total Environment
NF-YAl drives EMT in Claudinlow tumours DOI PubMed Michela Londero, Alberto Gallo, Camilla Cattaneo, Anna Ghilardi, Mirko Ronzio, Luca Del Giacco, Roberto Mantovani, Diletta Dolfini
Cell Death & Disease
Accurate and Efficient SAXS/SANS Implementation Including Solvation Layer Effects Suitable for Molecular Simulations DOI PubMed Ballabio F., Paissoni C., Bollati M., de Rosa M., Capelli R., Camilloni C.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Enhancing sensitivity of triple-negative breast cancer to DNA-damaging therapy through chemical inhibition of the m6A methyltransferase METTL3 DOI PubMed Bianca Cesaro, Alessia Iaiza, Fabio Piscopo, Marco Tarullo, Eleonora Cesari, Dante Rotili, Antonello Mai, Alberto Diana, Michela Londero, Luca Del Giacco, Riccardo Masetti, Alba Di Leone, Chiara Naro, Silvia Masciarelli, Giulia Fontemaggi, Claudio Sette, Francesco Fazi, Alessandro Fatica
Cancer Communications
Long-distance turgor pressure changes induce local activation of plant glutamate receptor-like channels DOI PubMed Matteo Grenzi, Stefano Buratti, Ambra Selene Parmagnani, Ilaria Abdel Aziz, Iwona Bernacka-Wojcik, Francesca Resentini, Jan Šimura, Fabrizio Gandolfo Doccula, Andrea Alfieri, Laura Luoni, Karin Ljung, Maria Cristina Bonza, Eleni Stavrinidou, Alex Costa
Current Biology
Plant Ca2+-ATPases: From biochemistry to signalling DOI PubMed Alex Costa, Francesca Resentini, Stefano Buratti, Maria Cristina Bonza
Biochimica Biophysica Acta. Molecular Cell Research
AMEBaS: Automatic Midline Extraction and Background Subtraction of Ratiometric Fluorescence Time-Lapses of Polarized Single Cells DOI PubMed Rafael Badain, Daniel S C Damineli, Maria Teresa Portes, José Feijó, Stefano Buratti, Giorgia Tortora, Hugo Neves de Oliveira, Roberto M Cesar Jr
A novel on-a-chip system with a 3D-bioinspired gut mucus suitable to investigate bacterial endotoxins dynamics DOI PubMed Lorenzo Sardelli; M. Campanile; L. Boeri; F. Donnaloja; francesca fanizza; S. Perottoni; Paola Petrini; DIEGO ALBANI; Carmen Giordano
Materials Today Bio
Bone marrow vasculature advanced in vitro models for cancer and cardiovascular research DOI PubMed Marzia Campanile; Leonardo Bettinelli; Camilla Cerutti; Gaia Spinetti
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Human gut epithelium features recapitulated in MINERVA 2.0 millifluidic organ-on-a-chip device DOI PubMed Francesca Donnaloja; Luca Izzo; Marzia Campanile; Simone Perottoni; LUCIA BOERI; francesca fanizza; Lorenzo Sardelli; Emanuela JACCHETTI; Manuela Teresa Raimondi; Laura Di Rito; Ilaria Craparotta; MARCO BOLIS; Carmen Giordano; DIEGO ALBANI
APL Bioengineering
Multi-eGO: Model Improvements toward the Study of Complex Self-Assembly Processes DOI PubMed Bačić Toplek, F., Scalone, E., Stegani, B., Paissoni, C., Capelli, R., & Camilloni, C.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
The Cyclic Peptide G4CP2 Enables The Modulation Of Galactose Metabolism In Yeast By Interfering With Gal4 Transcriptional Activity DOI PubMed Rosa S., Tagliani A., Bertaso C., Tadini L., Gourlay LJ., Feni L., Pellegrino S., Pesaresi P., Masiero
Activity and Function in Human Cells of the Evolutionary Conserved Exonuclease Polynucleotide Phosphorylase DOI PubMed Falchi FA, Pizzoccheri R, Briani F.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
L- to D-Amino Acid Substitution in the Immunodominant LCMV-Derived Epitope gp33 Highlights the Sensitivity of the TCR Recognition Mechanism for the MHC/Peptide Structure and Dynamics DOI PubMed Ballabio F., Broggini L., Paissoni C., Han X., Peqini K., Sala B.M., Sun R., Sandalova T., Barbiroli A., Achour A., Pellegrino S., Ricagno S., Camilloni C.
ACS Omega
Inactivation of the Pyrimidine Biosynthesis pyrD Gene Negatively Affects Biofilm Formation and Virulence Determinants in the Crohn’s Disease-Associated Adherent Invasive Escherichia coli LF82 Strain DOI PubMed Rossi Elio, Gabriella Leccese, Valerio Baldelli, Alessia Bibi, Emanuele Scalone, Carlo Camilloni, Moira Paroni, and Paolo Landini
Multi-eGO: An in silico lens to look into protein aggregation kinetics at atomic resolution DOI PubMed Emanuele Scalone, Luca Broggini, Cristina Visentin, Davide Erba, Fran Bacic Toplek, Kaliroi Peqini, Sara Pellegrino, Stefano Ricagno,Cristina Paissoni, and Carlo Camilloni
Cell wall modifications by α-XYLOSIDASE1 are required for control of seed and fruit size in Arabidopsis DOI PubMed Maurizio Di Marzo, Vívian Ebeling Viana, Camilla Banfi, Valeria Cassina, Roberta Corti, Humberto Herrera-Ubaldo, Nicola Babolin, Andrea Guazzotti, Edward Kiegle, Veronica Gregis, Stefan de Folter, Javier Sampedro, Francesco Mantegazza, Lucia Colombo, and Ignacio Ezquer
Journal of Experimental Botany
Synthesis and Characterization of Curcumin-Loaded Nanoparticles of Poly(Glycerol Sebacate): A Novel Highly Stable Anticancer System DOI PubMed Alessio Massironi, Stefania Marzorati, Alessandra Marinelli, Marta Toccaceli, Stefano Gazzotti, Marco Aldo Ortenzi, Daniela Maggioni, Katia Petroni, Luisella Verotta
Pathogen Adaptation to American (Rpv3-1) and Eurasian (Rpv29) Grapevine Loci Conferring Resistance to Downy Mildew DOI PubMed Elena Marone Fassolo , Beatrice Lecchi, Demetrio Marcianò, Giuliana Maddalena and Silvia Laura Toffolatti *
Multi-eGO: An in silico lens to look into protein aggregation kinetics at atomic resolution DOI PubMed Emanuele Scalone, Luca Broggini, Cristina Visentin, Davide Erba, Fran Bačić Toplek, Kaliroi Peqini, Sara Pellegrino, Stefano Ricagno, Cristina Paissoni, Carlo Camilloni
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The Genetic Control of SEEDSTICK and LEUNIG-HOMOLOG in Seed and Fruit Development: New Insights into Cell Wall Control DOI PubMed Maurizio Di Marzo, Nicola Babolin, Vívian Ebeling Viana, Antonio Costa de Oliveira, Bruno Gugi, Elisabetta Caporali, Humberto Herrera-Ubaldo, Eduardo Martínez-Estrada, Azeddine Driouich, Stefan de Folter, Lucia Colombo and Ignacio Ezquer
Apis mellifera RidA, a novel member of the canonical YigF/YER057c/UK114 imine deiminase superfamily of enzymes pre-empting metabolic damage DOI PubMed Cristina Visentin, Giulia Rizzi, Genny Degani, Stefania Digiovanni, Giovanni Robecchi, Alberto Barbiroli, Laura Popolo, Maria Antonietta Vanoni, Stefano Ricagno
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Lack of Direct Correlation between Biofilm Formation and Antimicrobial Resistance in Clinical Staphylococcus epidermidis Isolates from an Italian Hospital DOI PubMed Carcione D, Leccese G, Conte G, Rossi E, Intra J, Bonomi A, Sabella S, Moreo M, Landini P, Brilli M, Paroni M.
Inactivation of the Pyrimidine Biosynthesis pyrD Gene Negatively Affects Biofilm Formation and Virulence Determinants in the Crohn's Disease-Associated Adherent Invasive Escherichia coli LF82 Strain DOI PubMed Rossi E, Leccese G, Baldelli V, Bibi A, Scalone E, Camilloni C, Paroni M, Landini P.
Spike mutation resilient scFv76 antibody counteracts SARS-CoV-2 lung damage upon aerosol delivery DOI PubMed Milazzo F.M., Chaves-Sanjuan A., Minenkova O., Santapaola D., Anastasi A.M., Battistuzzi G., Chiapparino C., Rosi A., Merlo Pich E., Albertoni C., Marra E., Luberto L., Viollet C., Spagnoli L.G., Riccio A., Rossi A., Santoro M.G., Ballabio F., Paissoni C., Camilloni C., Bolognesi M., De Santis R.
Molecular Therapy
GOLPH3 protein controls organ growth by interacting with TOR signaling proteins in Drosophila DOI PubMed Frappaolo, A., Karimpour-Ghahnavieh, A., Cesare, G. et al.
Cell Death and Disease
Induced pluripotent stem cell-based organ-on-a-chip as personalized drug screening tools: A focus on neurodegenerative disorders DOI PubMed Fanizza, F.; Campanile, M.; Forloni, G.; Giordano, C.; Albani, D.
Journal of Tissue Engineering
Using integrated meta-omics to appreciate the role of the gut microbiota in epilepsy DOI PubMed Lucia Boeri, Francesca Donnaloja, Marzia Campanile, Lorenzo Sardelli, Marta Tunesi, Federica Fusco, Carmen Giordano, Diego Albani
Neurobiology of Disease
Generation of β cells from iPSC of a MODY8 patient with a novel mutation in the carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) gene DOI PubMed S Pellegrini, G B Pipitone, A Cospito, F Manenti, G Poggi, M T Lombardo, R Nano, G Martino, M Ferrari, P Carrera, V Sordi, L Piemonti
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Gene dosage compensation of rRNA transcript levels in Arabidopsis thaliana lines with reduced ribosomal gene copy number DOI PubMed Francesca B Lopez, Antoine Fort, Luca Tadini, Aline V Probst, Marcus McHale, James Friel, Peter Ryder, Frédéric Pontvianne, Paolo Pesaresi, Ronan Sulpice, Peter McKeown, Galina Brychkova, Charles Spil
Plant Cell
NF-Y Subunits Overexpression in HNSCC DOI PubMed Bezzecchi E, Bernardini A, Ronzio M, Miccolo C, Chiocca S, Dolfini D, Mantovani R
SPL transcription factors prevent inflorescence reversion in rice DOI PubMed Francesca Giaume, Fabio Fornara
Molecular Plant
Inner Ear and Muscle Developmental Defects in Smpx-Deficient Zebrafish Embryos DOI PubMed Anna Ghilardi, Alberto Diana, Renato Bacchetta, Nadia Santo, Miriam Ascagni, Laura Prosperi, and Luca Del Giacco1
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Phosphorylation of H3-Thr3 by Haspin Is Required for Primary Cilia Regulation DOI PubMed Roberto Quadri, Sarah Sertic, Anna Ghilardi, Diego Rondelli, Guido Roberto Gallo, Luca Del Giaccio, Marco Muzi-Falconi
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
The transcription factor NF-Y participates to stem cell fate decision and regeneration in adult skeletal muscle DOI PubMed Rigillo G, Basile V, Belluti S, Ronzio M, Sauta E, Ciarrocchi A, Latella L, Saclier M, Molinari S, Vallarola A, Messina G, Mantovani R, Dolfini D, Imbriano C
Nature Communications
From single cells to flowers – Biological complexity driving plant reproductive development DOI PubMed Schwarz, I.; Neumann, M.; Vega, R.; Xu, X.; Cornaro, L.; Colombo, L.; Vernoux, T.; Xu, J.; Marquardt, S.; Kaufmann, K.
Alternative splicing of NF-YA promotes prostate cancer aggressiveness and represents a new molecular marker for clinical stratification of patients DOI PubMed Belluti S, Semeghini V, Rigillo G, Ronzio M, Benati D, Torricelli F, Reggiani Bonetti L, Carnevale G, Grisendi G, Ciarrocchi A, Dominici M, Recchia A, Dolfini D, Imbriano C.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
Comparative Analysis of Genotyping by Sequencing and Whole-Genome Sequencing Methods in Diversity Studies of Olea europaea L DOI PubMed James Friel, Aureliano Bombarely, Carmen Dorca Fornell, Francisco Luque, Ana Maria Fernández-Ocaña
NF-Y subunits overexpression in gastric adenocarcinomas (STAD) DOI PubMed Gallo A, Ronzio M, Bezzecchi E, Mantovani R, Dolfini D
Scientific Reports
VID22 counteracts G-quadruplex-induced genome instability DOI PubMed E. Galati, M. C. Bosio, D. Novarina, M. Chiara, G. M. Bernini, A. M. Mozzarelli, M. L. García-Rubio, B. Gómez-González, A. Aguilera, T. Carzaniga, M. Todisco, T. Bellini, G. M. Nava, G. Frigè, et al.
Nucleic Acids Research
NF-Y subunits overexpression in gastric adenocarcinomas (STAD) DOI PubMed Alberto Gallo, Mirko Ronzio, Eugenia Bezzecchi, Roberto Mantovani & Diletta Dolfini
Scientific Reports
Hecw controls oogenesis and neuronal homeostasis by promoting the liquid state of ribonucleoprotein particles DOI PubMed Valentina Fajner, Fabio Giavazzi, Simona Sala, Amanda Oldani, Emanuele Martini, Francesco Napoletano, Dario Parazzoli, Giuliana Cesare, Roberto Cerbino, Elena Maspero, Thomas Vaccari & Simona Polo
Nature Communications
Long COVID: long-term effects? DOI PubMed Di Toro A, Bozzani A, Tavazzi G, Urtis M, Giuliani L, Pizzoccheri R, Aliberti F, Fergnani V, Arbustini E.
European Heart Journal, Supplements
Laniakea@ReCaS: exploring the potential of customisable Galaxy on-demand instances as a cloud-based service DOI PubMed Tangaro, M.A., Mandreoli, P., Chiara, M. et al.
Biosurfactant synergized with marine bacterial DNase disrupts polymicrobial biofilms DOI PubMed Ravishankar S, Sanaulla F B, Jothipandiyan S, Jahir H S P, Durairajan R, Aruni W, Paramasivam N
Folia microbiologica
”Ascan: a novel method for the study of inter-individual allele specific expression DOI PubMed Federico Zambelli, Matteo Chiara, Erika Ferrandi, Pietro Mandreoli, Marco Antonio Tangaro, Giulio Pavesi, Graziano Pesole
Journal of molecular biology
Targeted knockout of the gene OsHOL1 removes methyl iodide emissions from rice plants DOI PubMed Martina Carlessi, Lorenzo Mariotti, Francesca Giaume, Fabio Fornara, Pierdomenico Perata, Silvia Gonzali
Scientific Reports
Anthocyanins: From Mechanisms of Regulation in Plants to Health Benefits in Foods DOI PubMed Francesca Cappellini, Alessandra Marinelli, Marta Toccaceli, Chiara Tonelli, Katia Petroni
Frontiers in Plant Science
Multi- and Transgenerational Outcomes of an Exposure to a Mixture of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) on Puberty and Maternal Behavior in the Female Rat DOI PubMed David López-Rodríguez, Carlos Francisco Aylwin, Virginia Delli, Elena Sevrin, Marzia Campanile, Marion Martin, Delphine Franssen, Arlette Gérard, Silvia Blacher, Ezio Tirelli, Agnès Noël, Alejandro Lomniczi, Anne-Simone Parent
Environmental Health Perspectives
Synthetic Protein Circuits And Devices Based On Reversible Protein-Protein Interactions: An Overview DOI PubMed Rosa, S.*, Bertaso, C.*, Pesaresi, P., Masiero, S., & Tagliani, A.
Life (MDPI)
BPC Transcription Factors and a Polycomb Group Protein Confine the Expression of the Ovule Identity Gene SEEDSTICK in Arabidopsis DOI PubMed Petrella R., Caselli F., Roig-Villanova I., Vignati V., Chiara M., Ezquer I., Tadini L., Kater M. M., Gregis V.
The Plant Journal
Efficacy of Cholesterol Nose-to-Brain Delivery for Brain Targeting in Huntington's Disease DOI PubMed Passoni A, Favagrossa M, Colombo L, Bagnati R, Gobbi M, Diomede L, Birolini G, Di Paolo E, Valenza M, Cattaneo E, Salmona M.
ACS Chemical Neuroscience
NF-YA Overexpression in Lung Cancer: LUAD DOI PubMed Bezzecchi E, Ronzio M, Semeghini V, Andrioletti V, Mantovani R, Dolfini D
Integrating Peak Colocalization and Motif Enrichment Analysis for the Discovery of Genome-Wide Regulatory Modules and Transcription Factor Recruitment Rules DOI PubMed Ronzio M, Zambelli F, Dolfini D, Mantovani R, Pavesi G.
Frontiers in genetics
Barley’s Second Spring as a Model Organism for Chloroplast DOI PubMed Lisa Rotasperti,Francesca Sansoni,Chiara Mizzotti,Luca Tadini and Paolo Pesaresi
Rad9/53BP1 promotes DNA repair via crossover recombination by limiting the Sgs1 and Mph1 helicases DOI PubMed Matteo Ferrari, Chetan C. Rawal, Samuele Lodovichi, Maria Y. Vietri & Achille Pellicioli
Expression pattern of the small muscle protein, X-linked (smpx) gene during zebrafish embryonic and larval developmental stages DOI PubMed Anna Ghilardi, Alberto Diana, Laura Prosperi, Luca Del Giacco
Gene Expression Patterns
Glycosylation Tunes Neuroserpin Physiological and Pathological Properties DOI PubMed Visentin C., Broggini L., Sala B., Russo R., Barbiroli A., Santambrogio C., Nonnis S., Dubnovitsky A., Bolognesi M., Miranda E., Achour A., Ricagno S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Embelin as Lead Compound for New Neuroserpin Polymerization Inhibitors DOI PubMed Visentin C., Musso L., Broggini L., Bonato F., Russo R., Moriconi C., Bolognesi M., Miranda E., Dellavalle S., Passarella D., Ricagno S.
Probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium Strains Counteract Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) Virulence and Hamper IL-23/Th17 Axis in Ulcerative Colitis, but Not in Crohn’s Disease DOI PubMed Gabriella Leccese, Alessia Bibi, Stefano Mazza, Federica Facciotti, Flavio Caprioli, Paolo Landini, Moira Paroni
Nutritional intervention with cyanidin hinders the progression of muscular dystrophy DOI PubMed Saclier M, Bonfanti C, Antonini S, Angelini G, Mura G, Zanaglio F, Taglietti V, Romanello V, Sandri M, Tonelli C, Petroni K, Cassano M, Messina G
Cell Death & Disease
Missense mutations affecting Ca2+ coordination in GCAP1 lead to cone-rod dystrophies by altering protein structural and functional properties DOI PubMed Giuditta Dal Cortivo, ValerioMarino, Francesco Bonì, MarioMilani and Daniele Dell'Orco
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research
Crop reproductive meristems in the genomic era: a brief overview. DOI PubMed Caselli F, Zanarello F, Kater MM, Battaglia R, Gregis V
Biochem Soc Trans
Functionally Divergent Splicing Variants of the Rice AGAMOUS Ortholog OsMADS3 Are Evolutionary Conserved in Grasses. DOI PubMed Dreni L, Ravasio A, Gonzalez-Schain N, Jacchia S, da Silva GJ, Ricagno S, Russo R, Caselli F, Gregis V and Kater MM
Front. Plant Sci
MADS-Box and bHLH Transcription Factors Coordinate Transmitting Tract Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. DOI PubMed Di Marzo M, Roig-Villanova I, Zanchetti E, Caselli F, Gregis V, Bardetti P, Chiara M, Guazzotti A, Caporali E, Mendes MA, Colombo L and Kater MM
Front. Plant Sci
Light affects tissue patterning of the hypocotyl in the shade-avoidance response DOI PubMed Esther Botterweg-Paredes, Anko Blaakmeer, Shin-Young Hong, Bin Sun, Lorenzo Mineri, Valdeko Kruusvee, Yakun Xie, Daniel Straub, Delphine Ménard, Edouard Pesquet, Stephan Wenkel
PLOS Genetics
The plastid transcription machinery and its coordination with the expression of nuclear genome: PEP, NEP and the GUN1-mediated retrograde communication DOI PubMed Luca Tadini, Nicolaj Jeran, Carlotta Peracchio, Simona Masiero, Monica Colombo and Paolo Pesaresi
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences
Higher order photoprotection mutants reveal the importance of ΔpH-dependent photosynthesis-control in preventing light induced damage to both photosystem II and photosystem I DOI PubMed Roberto Barbato, Luca Tadini, Romina Cannata, Carlotta Peracchio, Nicolaj Jeran, Alessandro Alboresi, Tomas Morosinotto, Azfar Ali Bajwa,Virpi Paakkarinen,Marjaana Suorsa, Eva-Mari Aro, Paolo Pesaresi
Scientific Reports
GUN1 and Plastid RNA Metabolism: Learning from Genetics DOI PubMed Luca Tadini, Nicolaj Jeran, Paolo Pesaresi
Modulation of Guanylate Cyclase Activating Protein 1 (GCAP1) Dimeric Assembly by Ca2+ or Mg2+: Hints to Understand Protein Activity DOI PubMed Francesco Bonì, Valerio Marino, Carlo Bidoia, Eloise Mastrangelo, Alberto Barbiroli, Daniele Dell'Orco and Mario Milani
Retromer stabilization results in neuroprotection in a model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis DOI PubMed Muzio L, Sirtori R, Gornati D, Eleuteri S, Fossaghi A, Brancaccio D, Manzoni L, Ottoboni L, Feo L, Quattrini A, Mastrangelo E, Sorrentino L, Scalone E, Comi G, Marinelli L, Riva N, Milani M, Seneci P
Nat Commun.
CLIC1 Protein Accumulates in Circulating Monocyte Membrane during Neurodegeneration DOI PubMed Valentina Carlini, Ivan Verduci, Francesca Cianci, Gaetano Cannavale, Chiara Fenoglio, Daniela Galimberti, and Michele Mazzanti
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
RUES2 hESCs exhibit MGE-biased neuronal differentiation and muHTT-dependent defective specification hinting at SP1 DOI PubMed Paola Conforti1,2, Dario Besusso1,2, Silvia Brocchetti1,2, Ilaria Campus1,2, Claudio Cappadona1,2, Maura Galimberti1,2, Angela Laporta1, Raffaele Iennaco1,2, Riccardo Rossi2, Vittoria Bocchi D.1,2, El
Neurobiology of Disease
Transcriptional dynamics of induced pluripotent stem cell differentiation into β cells reveals full endodermal commitment and homology with human islets DOI PubMed Pellegrini S, Chimienti R, Scotti GM , Giannese F, Lazarevic D, Manenti F, Poggi G, Lombardo MT, Cospito A, Nano R, Piemonti L, Sordi V
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Ethanol exposure increases mutation rate through error-prone polymerases DOI PubMed Karin Voordeckers, Camilla Colding, Lavinia Grasso, et al.
Nature Communications
NF-Y Overexpression in Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) DOI PubMed Bezzecchi E, Ronzio M, Mantovani R, Dolfini D
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IBDs and the pediatric age: Their peculiarities and the involvement of the microbiota DOI PubMed Lucia Cococcioni, Simona Panelli, Ilaria Varotto-Boccazzi, Domenico Di Carlo, Dario Pistone, Gabriella Leccese, Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti, Francesco Comandatore
Digestive and Liver disease
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PLoS Computational Biology
The Therapeutic Potential of Anthocyanins: Current Approaches Based on Their Molecular Mechanism of Action DOI PubMed Bahare Salehi, Javad Sharifi-Rad, Francesca Cappellini, Željko Reiner, Debora Zorzan, Muhammad Imran, Bilge Sener, Mehtap Kilic, Mohamed El-Shazly, Nouran M Fahmy, Eman Al-Saye
Front Pharmacol
Tau and DNA Damage in Neurodegeneration DOI PubMed Luca Colnaghi, Diego Rondelli, Marco Muzi-Falconi, Sarah Sertic
Brain Sciences
OsFD4 promotes the rice floral transition via florigen activation complex formation in the shoot apical meristem DOI PubMed M. Cerise, F. Giaume, M. Galli, B. Khahani, J. Lucas, F. Podico, E. Tavakol, F. Parcy, A. Gallavotti, V.Brambilla, F. Fornara
Overexpression of lpxT gene in Escherichia coli inhibits cell division and causes envelope defects without changing the overall phosphorylation level of lipid A DOI PubMed Falchi FA, Di Lorenzo F, Pizzoccheri R, Casino G, Paroni M, Forti F, Molinaro A, Briani F
"Laniakea: an open solution to provide Galaxy “on-demand” instances over heterogeneous cloud infrastructures DOI PubMed Marco Antonio Tangaro, Giacinto Donvito, Marica Antonacci, Matteo Chiara, Pietro Mandreoli, Graziano Pesole, Federico Zambelli
VINYL: Variant prIoritizatioN bY survivaL analysis DOI PubMed Matteo Chiara, Pietro Mandreoli, Marco Antonio Tangaro, Anna Maria D’Erchia, Sandro Sorrentino, Cinzia Forleo, David S. Horner, Federico Zambelli, Graziano Pesole
CorGAT: a tool for the functional annotation of SARS-CoV-2 genomes DOI PubMed Matteo Chiara,Federico Zambelli, Marco Antonio Tangaro, Pietro Mandreoli, David S. Horner and Graziano Pesole.
The Importance of Cytokinins during Reproductive Development in Arabidopsis and Beyond DOI PubMed Giada Callizaya Terceros, Francesca Resentini, Mara Cucinotta, Silvia Manrique, Lucia Colombo and Marta A. Mendes
International Journal of Molecular Science
New roles of NO TRANSMITTING TRACT and SEEDSTICK during medial domain development in Arabidopsis fruits. DOI PubMed AIR Herrera-Ubaldo H, Lozano-Sotomayor P, Ezquer I, Di Marzo M, Chávez Montes RA, Gómez-Felipe A, Pablo-Villa J, Diaz-Ramirez D, Ballester P, Ferrándiz C, Sagasser M, Colombo L, Marsch N and de Folter S.
Investigating the Molecular Basis of the Aggregation Propensity of the Pathological D76N Mutant of Beta-2 Microglobulin: Role of the Denatured State DOI PubMed AIR Visconti L., Malagrinò F., Broggini L., De Luca CMG., Moda F., Gianni S., Ricagno S., Toto A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Peptidoglycan Remodeling Enables Escherichia coli To Survive Severe Outer Membrane Assembly Defect DOI PubMed Niccolò Morè, Alessandra M. Martorana, Jacob Biboy, Christian Otten, Matthias Winkle, Carlos K. Gurnani Serrano, Alejandro Montón Silva, Lisa Atkinson, Hamish Yau, Eefjan Breukink, Tanneke den Blaauwe
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Nature Plants
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The FEBS journal
High-resolution crystal structure of gelsolin domain 2 in complex with the physiological calcium ion. DOI PubMed Bollati M., Scalone E., Bonì F., Mastrangelo E., Giorgino T., Milani M. and De Rosa M.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
An alternative non-proteolytic mechanism may underlie AGel amyloidosis DOI PubMed Bonì F., Milani M., Mastrangelo E., Barbiroli A., Diomede L. and De Rosa M.
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European Biophysics Journal
High-resolution crystal structure of gelsolin domain 2 in complex with the physiological calcium ion. DOI PubMed Michela Bollati, Emanuele Scalone, Francesco Bonì, Eloise Mastrangelo, Toni Giorgino, Mario Milani, Matteo de Rosa
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
NF-YA Overexpression in Lung Cancer: LUSC DOI PubMed Bezzecchi E, Ronzio M, Dolfini D, Mantovani R
GUN1 influences the accumulation of NEP‐dependent transcripts and chloroplast protein import in Arabidopsis cotyledons upon perturbation of chloroplast protein homeostasis DOI PubMed Luca Tadini, Carlotta Peracchio, Andrea Trotta, Monica Colombo, Ilaria Mancini, Nicolaj Jeran, Alex Costa, Franco Faoro Milena Marsoni, Candida Vannini, Eva‐Mari Aro, Paolo Pesaresi
The Plant Journal
REM34 and REM35 Control Female and Male Gametophyte Development in Arabidopsis thaliana DOI PubMed Caselli F, Beretta VM, Mantegazza O, Petrella R, Leo G, Guazzotti A, Herrera-Ubaldo H, de Folter S, Mendes MA, Kater MM, Gregis V.
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Genetic insights into the modification of the pre-fertilization mechanisms during plant domestication DOI PubMed Silvia Manrique, James Friel, Pietro Gramzio, Tomas Hasing, Ignazcio Ezquer, Aureliano Bombarely
Journal of Experimental Botany
REM34 and REM35 Control Female and Male Gametophyte Development in Arabidopsis thaliana DOI PubMed Francesca Caselli, Veronica M. Beretta, Otho Mantegazza, Rosanna Petrella, Giulia Leo, Andrea Guazzotti, Humberto Herrera-Ubaldo, Stefan de Folter, Marta Adelina Mendes, Martin M. Kater, Veronica Gregis
Frontiers in Plant Science
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ACS Nano
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