www.unimi.it bioscienze.bio Dipartimento Bioscienze

(Class LM-6)


The main goal of the MBC Master degree is to train biologists in advanced biomolecular research, to prepare them for present and future challenges in the field. The specific goal of the MBC programme is to provide in depth and up-to-date knowledge in the following subjects: molecular genome analysis; regulation of gene expression; structure and function of biological macromolecules and their interactions in supramolecular complexes; cellular communication, signal perception and transduction, metabolic regulation, biomolecular engineering and computing. The course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of biomolecular research. The graduate student will acquire first-hand expertise in state-of-the-art and emerging research technologies/approaches, data acquisition systems and analysis, and will address current world scientific challenges in the research laboratories in the Department of Biosciences.
  • Degree classification - Denomination and code: LM-6 Biology
  • Degree title: Master Degree
  • Course duration: 2 years
  • Credits required for admission: 180
  • Total number of credits required to complete programme: 120
  • Access procedures: open, subject to entry requirements
  • Course code: F9Y

Study Programme: https://apps.unimi.it/files/manifesti/eng_manifesto_F9Yof1_2023.pdf

Available theses: Current thesis positions http://tesi.bioscienze.unimi.it/

Information and organisational arrangements for registration

Both Italian and foreign students must submit admission applications by the deadlines indicated in the "student area" of the University web portal (https://www.unimi.it/en/study/bachelor-and-master-study/degree-programme-enrolment/enrolment-masters-programme/open-admission-master-programmes). Those students who have already graduated before the application deadline (26th August 2022) must matriculate by 30th September 2022. Students who will graduate between 27th August and 31st December 2022 must matriculate by the 16th January 2023. The application form must be completed and electronically submitted to the above mentioned address.

The prerequisite to enter the MBC Master’s Degree program is an adequate knowledge of the fundaments of biological disciplines as certified by the possession of the required CFUs as described in paragraph “Pre-requisites for admission”. Knowledge will be verified by: 1) evaluation of the bachelor study program and 2) an interview with the Admission Committee, composed of teaching members appointed by the Departmental Teaching College. The interview will evaluate the expertise of the candidate in topics related to the MBC degree, and will ascertain proficiency in the English language.

The committee will evaluate the candidate on a 100-point scale and award:
  • 25/100 points for the graduation grade;
  • 10/100 points for the curriculum vitae (type of degree, extra elective courses, Erasmus experience, others…)
  • 65/100 for interview performance

The minimum requirement for admission is 60/100 and an adequate English proficiency level (equivalent to B1 level).

For the academic Year 2022-2023 applicant interviews will be held face-to-face (unless restrictions will be imposed by Covid-19 pandemic), for those who submit their application by the deadline (26th August), on the following days:

  • 16th September 2022 at 14.30, for graduated studen ts;
  • 7th November 2022 at 14.30 for students that graduate in September and October;
  • 9th January 2023, at 14.30, for students that graduate in December. Students must bring official proof of their identity (identity card or passport).

Upon graduation, student s not from University of Milan, must present certification of their awarded degree to the Administrative Office or email via https://informastudenti.unimi.it Foreign students who are not resident in Italy and who possess a foreign bachelor's degree title, will be invited to an online interview in the following days:

  • April 29th 2022
  • May 27th 2022
  • June 24th 2022
  • July 22nd 2022

Foreign students who reside in Italy are classed as Italian citizens and must undergo the same evaluation. Check for updates on interview dates and times on the website: https://mbc.cdl.unimi.it


Head of Study Programme Prof. Isabella Dalle Donne

Degree Course Coordinator Prof. Paolo Pesaresi (Paolo.Pesaresi@unimi.it)

Tutors - Faculty
Academic guidance advisors - Marta Valenza and Federica Marini
Erasmus and International Mobility advisors - Cristina Bonza and David Horner
Study plan advisor - Monica Beltrame
Internship advisor - Lucio Conti
Thesis advisors - Paolo Pesaresi and David Horner
Master's Degree admission advisor - Paolo Pesaresi
Credit recognition advisor - Paolo Pesaresi

Degree Course website http://mbc.cdl.unimi.it

MATRICULATION AND ENROLLMENT http://www.unimi.it/en/study/bachelor-and-master-study/degree-programme-enrolment/enrolment-masters-programme
MBC Email: mbc@unimi.it

Student registrar:
Address: via Celoria, 18, 20133 Milan. Tel. Phone: (+39) 199.188.128/ From abroad: (+39) 056676357 For information on taxes, enrollment procedures and related administrative issues.
Contacts and office opening hours see: https://www.unimi.it/en/study/student-services/welcome-desk-infostudenti

Academic services
For information on teaching and course organization
Address: via Celoria, 26, 20133 Milan – 2nd floor, A Building.
Opening hours: by appointment only
Email: cl.biol@unimi.it
Tel. 02 503 14870

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